Business summary
GT Equipment supplies is a privately owned company benefitting from a group of dedicated professionals with years of individual experience and expertise in the Chemical, Mining, Mineral Processing and general engineering industries.
The company is backed by a competent team of professionals in all aspects of business, from the sales through to our Technical staff , who are fully trained in project management , plant and equipment maintenance , fabrication and procurement of commodities required by various industries.
The main scope of business has been to provide customers with a wide range of products and professional services. GT Equipment supplies through leveraging its internal resources , capabilities and core competence , has managed to build a competitive advantage that has enabled it to win contracts with some of the largest corporate bodies in the country.Our Mission
To consistently exceed the expectations of our stakeholders, by achieving quality , efficiency and profitability in addition to provide superior products and services in a client driven environment .
To our corporate and individuals clients, we are committed to earning their confidence and loyalty every day by an uncompromising commitment to quality service delivery, by listening carefully and responding quickly.
We are committed to being technology leaders and providing innovation solutions that anticipate new market needs and maintain our customers competitive edge. We strive to create and maintain a close bond based on integrity , respect and professionalism.TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS
We are committed to focus on risk and earning adequate return on capital in order to enhance shareholder or investor value. We insist that our business goals serve both the ownersand the creditors alike. We therefore pursue these goals through thoughtful , deliberate and prudent management of the companies financial and non financial resources.TO THE SOCIETY
We are committed to being good corporate citizens, maintain our business ethics and conducting ourselves with honesty and integrity at all times. Our corporate values are rooted in our awareness that what we do, in one way or the other, potentially impacts the lives of many people and will leave a legacy that will be visible for centuries to come.OUR KEYS TO SUCCESS
Our secret to success lies in our core values and key attributes: Strategies founded on sound principles and ethics. Qualified , tried and tested innovative personnel who are result oriented and have the drive to achieve leveraging from a single pool of expertise into multiple revenue generating lines , comprehensive risk assessment policy and our very cautious approach to credit and exposure vast knowledge of our markets and our extensive links and networks.CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
GT Supplies is fully committed to the principles of openness , integrity and accountability in order to enhance stakeholder confidence and to enable them to respond to the industries challenges as well as comply with regulatory requirements. Accordingly , the directors agree to conduct business with integrity and in accordance to generally accepted corporate practises.RISK
The directors of GM Supplies have conducted a comprehensive feasibility study , in order to objectively assess the practicability and degree of risk exposure in this particular business. In the analysis, emphasis was placed on all key strategy areas in order of the company to maintain viability and profitability.INTERNAL CONTROLS
The board of directors have developed significant strategies and policies concerning the control activities of the company, and periodically reviews their implementation and take measures to establish and maintain an efficient internal supervision and risk management system. QUALITY CONTROL
The initial focus of GT Suppliers shall be to satisfy customers expectations and anticipating their needs, which shall beachieved through setting of standards for quality control and encouragement of quality assurance within the organization.
GT Suppliers shall stick to its four major principles recognitions of the importance of the customer-including maintaining client loyalty and retention , reliability , meeting expectations relating to quality delivery. The need to involve everyone in the company in quality improvement. With a primary need to invest in employee training and education to equip them with skills required and to enable them to realise their potential.
The concept of viewing every business activity as process be improved – with great emphasis on team work, collaboration as well as open and honest communication within the company. MARKETING ANALYSIS
Continuous improvements is an essential element of modern service oriented business. Every facet of GT Suppliers will constantly be reviewed to ensure maximum service effort, efficiency and quality. Furthermore , GT Suppliers will operate an open door policy , as such, all clients are encouraged to offer suggestions , advice , ask questions and contribute towards a better service provision.PRICING
Products will be priced at a lower edge of what the market will bear, competing with some of the established brands and businesses on the market.